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Mole Appearance

Moles are small mammals that live underground and feed on insects, worms, and grubs. They are not rodents but belong to a group of animals called insectivores. They have a distinctive appearance, with paddle-like forefeet for digging, short velvety fur that can be brushed in any direction, small eyes and ears hidden in their fur, and a short, pointy, hairless nose. They also have an extra thumb on each forelimb that helps them dig faster and more efficiently.

There are two species of moles that can be found in Madison, Wisconsin. The Prairie Mole and the Star-Nosed Mole. Both species are about 7-8 inches long and have silver gray or charcoal-colored fur. The Star-Nosed Mole has a unique feature: a ring of 22 fleshy tentacles around its nose that help it detect prey and navigate in the dark.

Mole Lifecycle

Moles are active throughout the year and do not hibernate in winter. They reproduce once a year, usually in early spring or summer. The female mole gives birth to a litter of 3-5 young after a gestation period of about 42 days. The young moles leave their mother after only a few months and are sexually mature by 10 months of age. Moles can live up to 5 years in the wild.

Mole Habitat

Moles prefer wooded habitats where the soil is loose and moist. They make their homes in underground burrows that consist of a network of tunnels and chambers. Some of these tunnels are shallow and used for hunting, while others are deeper and used for nesting, resting, or storing food. Moles can dig up to 18 feet in one hour and create mounds of dirt at the surface as they excavate their tunnels.

Mole Diet

Moles are voracious eaters and consume 70% to 100% of their body weight each day. They mainly feed on earthworms, grubs, and other insects that they find in the soil. They have small sharp teeth that resemble those of a coyote and can catch and eat prey in just 230 milliseconds – the fastest of any mammal. Moles also have poison in their saliva that can paralyze worms and insects. They store their paralyzed prey in an underground room to eat later.

Mole Behavior

Moles are usually solitary animals, but they will look for mates in early spring or summer. They communicate with each other using high-pitched squeaks or low-pitched grunts. They also use scent glands to mark their territory and warn off intruders.

Mole Benefits and Problems

Moles can be beneficial for the environment as they aerate the soil, control insect pests, and provide food for other animals such as owls, hawks, foxes, or snakes. However, they can also cause problems for homeowners as they damage lawns, gardens, or crops with their tunnels and mounds. Moles can also expose plant roots and can create tripping hazards with their uneven surfaces.

Mole Control

If you have a mole problem in your property, you may want to contact a professional pest control company like Kwik Kill Pest Control. We have the experience and expertise to deal with moles effectively.

Kwik Kill Services to Control Moles

Our service uses a specialty bait that mimics their natural food, earthworms. A single feeding will eliminate moles within 24 hours. An initial inspection of your lawn will identify the active primary runs and then bait is placed underground preventing any exposure to children or pets. Total mole control can be expected in one or two baiting treatments. Call our office for more information and pricing to control your Mole concerns. (608) 228-8899

Additional Resources


Mole Control

There are many types of common pests that routinely invade homes in the Madison area. At Kwik Kill, we are experts in solving each one of these unique pest control problems.

As the season’s change, so do the types of pests that can invade your home. We have pest control solutions for any time of year, whether it’s raining, snowing or sunny outside.

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