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Spiders can be identified by their two main body parts: the cephalothorax (head and thorax) and the abdomen. The cephalothorax bears the eyes, mouthparts, legs, and pedipalps. The abdomen contains the spinnerets (organs that produce silk), the reproductive organs, and the respiratory organs (book lungs or tracheae).

Spiders have eight legs, each with seven segments. They also have six or eight simple eyes that vary in size, shape, and arrangement depending on the species. Some spiders have excellent vision, while others rely more on touch or vibration.

Spiders have fangs that are connected to venom glands. They use venom to subdue their prey or defend themselves from predators. Most spider venom is harmless to humans, but some species can cause serious medical problems or even death.

There are more than 45,000 known species of spiders in the world, classified into over 100 families. Some of the most common families in Madison Wisconsin:

  • Orb-Weavers, which spin circular webs to catch flying insects.
  • Wolf Spiders, which hunt on the ground and carry their egg sacs or young on their backs.
  • Jumping Spiders, which have remarkable eyesight and can leap up to 40 times their body length.


Spiders have a simple life cycle that consists of three stages: egg, spiderling, and adult. The duration and details of each stage vary depending on the species.

Egg: After mating, female spiders lay eggs. The number of eggs can range from a few to thousands depending on the species. The eggs are usually wrapped in a silk sac that protects them from predators and environmental factors. Some spiders guard their egg sacs until they hatch, while others leave them in a safe place or carry them around.

Spiderling: The immature spiders that emerge from the egg sac are called spiderlings. They look like miniature versions of their parents but are much smaller. They immediately disperse by walking or ballooning (releasing silk threads that catch the wind). They molt several times as they grow larger, shedding their old exoskeleton and forming a new one. They are vulnerable to predators and dehydration until their new exoskeleton hardens.

Adult: After five to ten molts, most spiders reach adulthood and are ready to mate and reproduce. Some spiders mature in less than a year, while others may take several years. The lifespan of spiders varies from a few months to over 20 years depending on the species. In general, female spiders live longer than males; males often die after mating or are eaten by females.

Conditions Conducive to Survival

Spiders are adapted to survive in a wide range of habitats and climates. They have several physiological and behavioral mechanisms that help them cope with environmental challenges such as temperature fluctuations, water loss, food scarcity, predation, and competition.

Some of these mechanisms include:

  • Producing silk: Silk is a versatile material that spiders use for various purposes such as building webs, shelters, egg sacs.
  • Producing venom: Venom is a chemical weapon that spiders use to immobilize or kill their prey or deter their enemies.
  • Having hydraulic legs: Spiders move their legs by pumping fluid into them rather than using muscles; this allows them to extend or retract their legs quickly and efficiently.
  • Having multiple eyes: Spiders have six or eight eyes that provide them with different types of vision such as color, depth, motion, or polarization.
  • Having sensory hairs: Spiders have fine hairs on their body that detect vibrations, air currents, chemicals, or touch.
  • Having camouflage: Spiders have various colors, patterns, or shapes that help them blend in with their surroundings or mimic other animals.

Fun Facts

  • Having blue blood: Spiders have hemocyanin instead of hemoglobin as their oxygen-carrying pigment; hemocyanin contains copper instead of iron and gives their blood a blue color.
  • The largest spider in the world is the goliath birdeater which can have a leg span of up to 30 cm (12 inches) and weigh up to 170 g (6 ounces).
  • The smallest spider in the world is the Patu digua, which can have a body length of less than 0.4 mm (0.016 inches).

At Kwik Kill Pest Control, we have years of experience treating for spiders in both residential as well commercial properties. If you are having trouble with spiders in your home or business, call the Experts Today for an honest quote and evaluation to meet your specific needs!

Kwik Kill Services to control Spiders

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Control Services For Spiders

There are many types of common pests that routinely invade homes in the Madison area. At Kwik Kill, we are experts in solving each one of these unique pest control problems.

As the season’s change, so do the types of pests that can invade your home. We have pest control solutions for any time of year, whether it’s raining, snowing or sunny outside.

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