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Bald Face Hornet


Bald faced hornets belong to the genus Dolichovespula and are most often seen in the summer and early fall in Madison Wisconsin. They are not true hornets, but rather a type of yellow jacket. They have the following characteristics:

  • They are black and white in color, with a white face and white bands on their abdomen.
  • They are about 3/4 to 1 inch long, with four wings and six legs.
  • They build large ball-shaped nests out of wood pulp and saliva. The nests can contain up to 400 adults and are usually located at least 3 feet off the ground.
  • They are social insects that live in colonies with a single queen and many sterile female workers.


Bald faced hornets go through complete metamorphosis, which means they have four stages of development: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Their lifecycle from egg to adult takes about 3 to 5 weeks. Here is how it works:

  • In the spring, a single queen emerges from hibernation and begins to build a nest. She lays her eggs in hexagonal cells and tends to them until they hatch into larvae.
  • The larvae feed on chewed-up insects that the queen brings back to the nest. After several molts, they spin a cocoon and enter the pupal stage.
  • The pupae transform into adult workers, which are all sterile females. They help the queen with nest building, foraging, feeding, and defending the colony.
  • In late summer or early fall, the queen produces reproductive males and females, which leave the nest to mate. The males die shortly after mating, while the fertilized females become new queens and find a place to overwinter.
  • The old nest is abandoned and dies off in the winter. The cycle begins again the next spring.


Bald faced hornets reproduce sexually by mating in late summer or early fall. The males are produced from unfertilized eggs, which means they have only half a set of DNA. The females are produced from fertilized eggs, which means they have a full set of DNA. The reproductive males and females leave the nest and fly around in search of mates. They use pheromones and visual cues to attract each other. The mated females become new queens and look for a suitable place to overwinter. They prefer tight spaces or organic material that can provide insulation and protection from predators.


Bald faced hornets can be found in various habitats, such as trees, bushes, meadows, orchards, woodlands, and urban and suburban settings. They prefer areas that have plenty of food sources and nesting materials. Here are some of the factors that influence their habitat selection:

  • They build their nests in protected areas, such as eaves, dumpsters, stairwells, behind shutters, under railings, children’s play equipment, etc.
  • They use wood pulp from fences, play equipment, untreated wood, and other materials to construct their nests. They also use saliva to glue the pulp together and form a paper-like substance.
  • They feed on insects, such as flies, caterpillars, spiders, beetles, etc., as well as nectar and fruit juices. They hunt their prey by stinging them with venom and paralyzing them.
  • They are attracted to human activities that provide food sources or nesting materials. For example, they may raid trash cans or picnic tables for leftovers or scraps. They may also build their nests near human structures or dwellings.

Bald Faced Hornets can be a nuisance or a danger to humans and pets if they feel threatened or disturbed. If you are in the Madison area, reach out to Kwik Kill Pest control to handle your bald faced hornet problems safely and quickly.

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Control Bald Faced Hornets

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