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Box Elder Bug


Box elder bugs are a type of insect that can be found in many parts of the world. They are named after their favorite food source, the box elder tree, but they can also feed on other plants, such as maple, ash, or cherry. They are known for their distinctive black and red markings, their large red eyes, and their tendency to congregate in large numbers.

Box elder bugs belong to the order Hemiptera, which means “half-winged”. They have the following characteristics:

  • They are about 1/2 inch long, with thin orange or red-orange borders on their elytra (wing coverings).
  • They have large red eyes that bulge out the sides of their head and two tiny spots on the top of their head near them.
  • They have red bodies with an orange or yellow spot in the center of it.
  • Their undeveloped wing coverings are short and black.
  • They have six legs, two antennae, and a proboscis (a long tube-like mouthpart).


Box elder bugs undergo incomplete metamorphosis, which means they have three stages of development: egg, nymph, and adult. Their lifecycle from egg to adult takes about 4 to 6 weeks. Here is how it works:

  • The female box elder bug lays clusters of eggs in bark crevices, on leaves, and on seeds of host plants in spring. The eggs are yellowish-red and oval-shaped, and about 1.5 mm long. The egg stage lasts about 11 to 19 days.
  • The eggs hatch into nymphs, which are immature box elder bugs that look like smaller versions of adults. The nymphs go through five stages of growth, called instars. They molt between each stage, shedding their old skin and growing a new one. The nymph stage lasts about 3 to 5 weeks.
  • The nymphs change from bright red to darker red with black markings as they molt. They need to feed on plant sap at least once before each molt. They usually feed on the seeds or leaves of box elder trees or other plants.
  • The adults are fully grown box elder bugs that can reproduce. They can live for several months without feeding, but they prefer to feed once a week if possible. They can mate multiple times during their lifespan.
  • The female box elder bug lays her eggs in hidden places after mating. She can lay up to 500 eggs in her lifetime.


Box elder bugs can be found in various habitats around the world. They prefer areas that have plenty of food sources and places to hide from predators or cold weather:

  • They live in forests or other areas with deciduous trees, especially places where box elder trees grow. They feed on the sap of these trees or other plants, such as maple, ash, or cherry.
  • They aggregate in sunny places for warmth during fall. They are attracted to the sunnier parts of the structure which are typically around the south and west sides of a structure due to those areas being the warmest in the fall months.
  • As temperatures drop, box elder bugs make their way to houses and other structures, seeking warmth. They can enter through cracks or openings in walls, windows, doors, eaves, soffits, attic vents, and other likely points of entry.
  • They overwinter in buildings, often in attics or inside walls. They remain dormant until spring when they emerge and look for food and mates.


Box elder bugs are a type of insect that have distinctive black and red markings, large red eyes, and a tendency to congregate in large numbers. They have a complex lifecycle that involves eggs, nymphs, and adults. They reproduce by mating in spring or summer and lay hundreds of eggs in hidden places. They can be found in various habitats that provide food sources and hiding places. They can also be a nuisance or a damage to humans and plants if they invade your home or garden. 

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Box Elder Bug Insect Control

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