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Termites are small, soft-bodied insects that range in size from 1/4 to 1/2 inch long. They have six legs, two antennae, and a pair of mandibles for chewing wood. Termites can be divided into three main groups based on their appearance and behavior: subterranean, drywood, and damp wood termites.

  • Subterranean termites live in underground colonies and build mud tubes to reach their food sources above ground. They are the most common and destructive type of termite in Madison Wisconsin. They vary in color from yellow to dark brown, and their workers and soldiers are blind.
  • Drywood termites live inside dry wood and do not need contact with soil. They are less common than subterranean termites, but they can cause severe damage to wooden structures and furniture. They have brown or reddish-brown bodies and large compound eyes, and their workers and soldiers have distinct roles.
  • Damp wood termites live in moist wood and prefer decaying or rotten wood. They are usually found in forested areas or near water sources. They are typically larger than subterranean and drywood termites, and they have dark brown or black bodies and prominent jaws. They do not have workers or soldiers.


Termites have a complex social structure and a four-stage lifecycle: egg, nymph, adult, and reproductive. The lifecycle of termites varies depending on the species and the environmental conditions.

  • Egg: The queen termite lays eggs that hatch into nymphs after a few weeks. The eggs are white or transparent and oval-shaped.
  • Nymph: The nymphs undergo several molts before becoming adults. The nymphs can develop into different castes: workers, soldiers, or reproductive termites.  
  • Adult: The adults are the mature termites that perform different functions in the colony. The workers are responsible for feeding, building, and maintaining the colony. The soldiers are responsible for defending the colony from predators and invaders. The reproductive termites are responsible for producing new offspring.
  • Reproductive: The reproductive termites are also known as swarmers. They are the winged termites that emerge from the colony to mate and start new colonies. They usually swarm during warm and humid weather, often after rain. After mating, they shed their wings and become the king and queen of a new colony.

Conditions Conducive to Survival

Termites need four basic conditions to survive: food, moisture, shelter, and temperature. These conditions vary depending on the type of termite.

  • Food: Termites feed on cellulose, which is a component of wood and other plant materials. They prefer soft or decayed wood that is easy to digest. Some termites also feed on fungi.
  • Moisture: Termites need moisture to prevent dehydration and to maintain their colony’s humidity. Subterranean termites get moisture from the soil or from leaking pipes or faucets. Drywood termites get moisture from the wood they infest or from condensation. Damp wood termites get moisture from the wet wood they inhabit or from rainwater.
  • Shelter: Termites need shelter to protect themselves from predators, parasites, and environmental factors. Subterranean termites build underground nests or mud tubes to access their food sources above ground. Drywood termites carve out galleries or tunnels inside the wood they infest. Damp wood termites live in logs, stumps, or fallen branches that provide them with moisture and food.
  • Temperature: Termites need moderate temperatures to thrive and reproduce. They are sensitive to extreme heat or cold, which can kill them or make them dormant. Termites regulate their colony’s temperature by adjusting their depth in the soil or by moving to warmer or cooler areas.

Fun Facts

  • Termites are ancient insects that have been around for over 250 million years. 
  • Termites are social insects that communicate with each other using pheromones, vibrations, and sounds. They can also sense heat, moisture, and carbon dioxide.
  • Termites can build impressive structures, such as mounds, nests, and towers. Some termite mounds can reach up to 30 feet high and have complex ventilation systems.

Termites can cause major damage to homes, and they require professional treatment. If you suspect that termites have invaded your property, call the Experts Today for an honest quote and evaluation to meet your specific needs!

Carpenter Ants are also commonly mistaken for Termites in South Central Wisconsin.  

Kwik Kill Services to control Termites

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Termite Inspection Reports

There are many types of common pests that routinely invade homes in the Madison area. At Kwik Kill, we are experts in solving each one of these unique pest control problems.

As the season’s change, so do the types of pests that can invade your home. We have pest control solutions for any time of year, whether it’s raining, snowing or sunny outside.

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